He Directs Your Steps Even To Where You Don’t Like

You may be a staunch believer that God directs your steps; however when you land in a place you never thought you’d get to or you don’t like, all that belief goes out the window. You immediately forget that He’s the one directing you and that you may be where you are for a reason. You forget that He directed your steps to that place because there’s a purpose for you to serve there.

You may not necessarily see why you’re there but God does, He placed you there for a reason, for a purpose. Remember He goes before us, He knows what’s to happen and what storms your mere presence where you are may defuse.

You may not know nor comprehend how much by you just being there is helping the situation and bringing a calm, cordial environment for all those who are there. Your mere presence may be bringing peace and getting along; it may be bringing unity and comfort for those in whose presence you’re in; and it may be just the place you yourself unknowingly need to be for your own comfort, growth and progress in life.

So, don’t lose sight, don’t forget that He directs your every step. Even if it doesn’t make sense to you why you are there and how you got there, don’t throw a tantrum and lose your mind; just remember He who has begun a good work in you will see it to fruition.

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

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